/** * @fileoverview Rule to suggest using "Reflect" api over Function/Object methods * @author Keith Cirkel <http://keithcirkel.co.uk>
* @deprecated in ESLint v3.9.0 */ "use strict";
// Rule Definition
module.exports = { meta: { type: "suggestion",
docs: { description: "require `Reflect` methods where applicable", category: "ECMAScript 6", recommended: false, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/rules/prefer-reflect" },
deprecated: true,
replacedBy: [],
schema: [ { type: "object", properties: { exceptions: { type: "array", items: { enum: [ "apply", "call", "delete", "defineProperty", "getOwnPropertyDescriptor", "getPrototypeOf", "setPrototypeOf", "isExtensible", "getOwnPropertyNames", "preventExtensions" ] }, uniqueItems: true } }, additionalProperties: false } ],
messages: { preferReflect: "Avoid using {{existing}}, instead use {{substitute}}." } },
create(context) { const existingNames = { apply: "Function.prototype.apply", call: "Function.prototype.call", defineProperty: "Object.defineProperty", getOwnPropertyDescriptor: "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor", getPrototypeOf: "Object.getPrototypeOf", setPrototypeOf: "Object.setPrototypeOf", isExtensible: "Object.isExtensible", getOwnPropertyNames: "Object.getOwnPropertyNames", preventExtensions: "Object.preventExtensions" };
const reflectSubstitutes = { apply: "Reflect.apply", call: "Reflect.apply", defineProperty: "Reflect.defineProperty", getOwnPropertyDescriptor: "Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor", getPrototypeOf: "Reflect.getPrototypeOf", setPrototypeOf: "Reflect.setPrototypeOf", isExtensible: "Reflect.isExtensible", getOwnPropertyNames: "Reflect.getOwnPropertyNames", preventExtensions: "Reflect.preventExtensions" };
const exceptions = (context.options[0] || {}).exceptions || [];
/** * Reports the Reflect violation based on the `existing` and `substitute` * @param {Object} node The node that violates the rule. * @param {string} existing The existing method name that has been used. * @param {string} substitute The Reflect substitute that should be used. * @returns {void} */ function report(node, existing, substitute) { context.report({ node, messageId: "preferReflect", data: { existing, substitute } }); }
return { CallExpression(node) { const methodName = (node.callee.property || {}).name; const isReflectCall = (node.callee.object || {}).name === "Reflect"; const hasReflectSubsitute = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(reflectSubstitutes, methodName); const userConfiguredException = exceptions.indexOf(methodName) !== -1;
if (hasReflectSubsitute && !isReflectCall && !userConfiguredException) { report(node, existingNames[methodName], reflectSubstitutes[methodName]); } }, UnaryExpression(node) { const isDeleteOperator = node.operator === "delete"; const targetsIdentifier = node.argument.type === "Identifier"; const userConfiguredException = exceptions.indexOf("delete") !== -1;
if (isDeleteOperator && !targetsIdentifier && !userConfiguredException) { report(node, "the delete keyword", "Reflect.deleteProperty"); } } };
} };