/** * @fileoverview A rule to control the style of variable initializations. * @author Colin Ihrig */
"use strict";
// Helpers
/** * Checks whether or not a given node is a for loop. * @param {ASTNode} block A node to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` when the node is a for loop. */ function isForLoop(block) { return block.type === "ForInStatement" || block.type === "ForOfStatement" || block.type === "ForStatement"; }
/** * Checks whether or not a given declarator node has its initializer. * @param {ASTNode} node A declarator node to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` when the node has its initializer. */ function isInitialized(node) { const declaration = node.parent; const block = declaration.parent;
if (isForLoop(block)) { if (block.type === "ForStatement") { return block.init === declaration; } return block.left === declaration; } return Boolean(node.init); }
// Rule Definition
module.exports = { meta: { type: "suggestion",
docs: { description: "require or disallow initialization in variable declarations", category: "Variables", recommended: false, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/rules/init-declarations" },
schema: { anyOf: [ { type: "array", items: [ { enum: ["always"] } ], minItems: 0, maxItems: 1 }, { type: "array", items: [ { enum: ["never"] }, { type: "object", properties: { ignoreForLoopInit: { type: "boolean" } }, additionalProperties: false } ], minItems: 0, maxItems: 2 } ] }, messages: { initialized: "Variable '{{idName}}' should be initialized on declaration.", notInitialized: "Variable '{{idName}}' should not be initialized on declaration." } },
create(context) {
const MODE_ALWAYS = "always", MODE_NEVER = "never";
const mode = context.options[0] || MODE_ALWAYS; const params = context.options[1] || {};
// Public API
return { "VariableDeclaration:exit"(node) {
const kind = node.kind, declarations = node.declarations;
for (let i = 0; i < declarations.length; ++i) { const declaration = declarations[i], id = declaration.id, initialized = isInitialized(declaration), isIgnoredForLoop = params.ignoreForLoopInit && isForLoop(node.parent); let messageId = "";
if (mode === MODE_ALWAYS && !initialized) { messageId = "initialized"; } else if (mode === MODE_NEVER && kind !== "const" && initialized && !isIgnoredForLoop) { messageId = "notInitialized"; }
if (id.type === "Identifier" && messageId) { context.report({ node: declaration, messageId, data: { idName: id.name } }); } } } }; } };