/** * @fileoverview Rule to flag statements without curly braces * @author Nicholas C. Zakas */ "use strict";
// Requirements
const astUtils = require("./utils/ast-utils");
// Rule Definition
module.exports = { meta: { type: "suggestion",
docs: { description: "enforce consistent brace style for all control statements", category: "Best Practices", recommended: false, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/rules/curly" },
schema: { anyOf: [ { type: "array", items: [ { enum: ["all"] } ], minItems: 0, maxItems: 1 }, { type: "array", items: [ { enum: ["multi", "multi-line", "multi-or-nest"] }, { enum: ["consistent"] } ], minItems: 0, maxItems: 2 } ] },
fixable: "code",
messages: { missingCurlyAfter: "Expected { after '{{name}}'.", missingCurlyAfterCondition: "Expected { after '{{name}}' condition.", unexpectedCurlyAfter: "Unnecessary { after '{{name}}'.", unexpectedCurlyAfterCondition: "Unnecessary { after '{{name}}' condition." } },
create(context) {
const multiOnly = (context.options[0] === "multi"); const multiLine = (context.options[0] === "multi-line"); const multiOrNest = (context.options[0] === "multi-or-nest"); const consistent = (context.options[1] === "consistent");
const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode();
// Helpers
/** * Determines if a given node is a one-liner that's on the same line as it's preceding code. * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the node is a one-liner that's on the same line as it's preceding code. * @private */ function isCollapsedOneLiner(node) { const before = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node); const last = sourceCode.getLastToken(node); const lastExcludingSemicolon = astUtils.isSemicolonToken(last) ? sourceCode.getTokenBefore(last) : last;
return before.loc.start.line === lastExcludingSemicolon.loc.end.line; }
/** * Determines if a given node is a one-liner. * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the node is a one-liner. * @private */ function isOneLiner(node) { if (node.type === "EmptyStatement") { return true; }
const first = sourceCode.getFirstToken(node); const last = sourceCode.getLastToken(node); const lastExcludingSemicolon = astUtils.isSemicolonToken(last) ? sourceCode.getTokenBefore(last) : last;
return first.loc.start.line === lastExcludingSemicolon.loc.end.line; }
/** * Determines if the given node is a lexical declaration (let, const, function, or class) * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check * @returns {boolean} True if the node is a lexical declaration * @private */ function isLexicalDeclaration(node) { if (node.type === "VariableDeclaration") { return node.kind === "const" || node.kind === "let"; }
return node.type === "FunctionDeclaration" || node.type === "ClassDeclaration"; }
/** * Checks if the given token is an `else` token or not. * @param {Token} token The token to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is an `else` token. */ function isElseKeywordToken(token) { return token.value === "else" && token.type === "Keyword"; }
/** * Gets the `else` keyword token of a given `IfStatement` node. * @param {ASTNode} node A `IfStatement` node to get. * @returns {Token} The `else` keyword token. */ function getElseKeyword(node) { return node.alternate && sourceCode.getFirstTokenBetween(node.consequent, node.alternate, isElseKeywordToken); }
/** * Determines whether the given node has an `else` keyword token as the first token after. * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is followed by an `else` keyword token. */ function isFollowedByElseKeyword(node) { const nextToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node);
return Boolean(nextToken) && isElseKeywordToken(nextToken); }
/** * Determines if a semicolon needs to be inserted after removing a set of curly brackets, in order to avoid a SyntaxError. * @param {Token} closingBracket The } token * @returns {boolean} `true` if a semicolon needs to be inserted after the last statement in the block. */ function needsSemicolon(closingBracket) { const tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(closingBracket); const tokenAfter = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(closingBracket); const lastBlockNode = sourceCode.getNodeByRangeIndex(tokenBefore.range[0]);
if (astUtils.isSemicolonToken(tokenBefore)) {
// If the last statement already has a semicolon, don't add another one.
return false; }
if (!tokenAfter) {
// If there are no statements after this block, there is no need to add a semicolon.
return false; }
if (lastBlockNode.type === "BlockStatement" && lastBlockNode.parent.type !== "FunctionExpression" && lastBlockNode.parent.type !== "ArrowFunctionExpression") {
/* * If the last node surrounded by curly brackets is a BlockStatement (other than a FunctionExpression or an ArrowFunctionExpression), * don't insert a semicolon. Otherwise, the semicolon would be parsed as a separate statement, which would cause * a SyntaxError if it was followed by `else`. */ return false; }
if (tokenBefore.loc.end.line === tokenAfter.loc.start.line) {
// If the next token is on the same line, insert a semicolon.
return true; }
if (/^[([/`+-]/u.test(tokenAfter.value)) {
// If the next token starts with a character that would disrupt ASI, insert a semicolon.
return true; }
if (tokenBefore.type === "Punctuator" && (tokenBefore.value === "++" || tokenBefore.value === "--")) {
// If the last token is ++ or --, insert a semicolon to avoid disrupting ASI.
return true; }
// Otherwise, do not insert a semicolon.
return false; }
/** * Determines whether the code represented by the given node contains an `if` statement * that would become associated with an `else` keyword directly appended to that code. * * Examples where it returns `true`: * * if (a) * foo(); * * if (a) { * foo(); * } * * if (a) * foo(); * else if (b) * bar(); * * while (a) * if (b) * if(c) * foo(); * else * bar(); * * Examples where it returns `false`: * * if (a) * foo(); * else * bar(); * * while (a) { * if (b) * if(c) * foo(); * else * bar(); * } * * while (a) * if (b) { * if(c) * foo(); * } * else * bar(); * @param {ASTNode} node Node representing the code to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if an `if` statement within the code would become associated with an `else` appended to that code. */ function hasUnsafeIf(node) { switch (node.type) { case "IfStatement": if (!node.alternate) { return true; } return hasUnsafeIf(node.alternate); case "ForStatement": case "ForInStatement": case "ForOfStatement": case "LabeledStatement": case "WithStatement": case "WhileStatement": return hasUnsafeIf(node.body); default: return false; } }
/** * Determines whether the existing curly braces around the single statement are necessary to preserve the semantics of the code. * The braces, which make the given block body, are necessary in either of the following situations: * * 1. The statement is a lexical declaration. * 2. Without the braces, an `if` within the statement would become associated with an `else` after the closing brace: * * if (a) { * if (b) * foo(); * } * else * bar(); * * if (a) * while (b) * while (c) { * while (d) * if (e) * while(f) * foo(); * } * else * bar(); * @param {ASTNode} node `BlockStatement` body with exactly one statement directly inside. The statement can have its own nested statements. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the braces are necessary - removing them (replacing the given `BlockStatement` body with its single statement content) * would change the semantics of the code or produce a syntax error. */ function areBracesNecessary(node) { const statement = node.body[0];
return isLexicalDeclaration(statement) || hasUnsafeIf(statement) && isFollowedByElseKeyword(node); }
/** * Prepares to check the body of a node to see if it's a block statement. * @param {ASTNode} node The node to report if there's a problem. * @param {ASTNode} body The body node to check for blocks. * @param {string} name The name to report if there's a problem. * @param {{ condition: boolean }} opts Options to pass to the report functions * @returns {Object} a prepared check object, with "actual", "expected", "check" properties. * "actual" will be `true` or `false` whether the body is already a block statement. * "expected" will be `true` or `false` if the body should be a block statement or not, or * `null` if it doesn't matter, depending on the rule options. It can be modified to change * the final behavior of "check". * "check" will be a function reporting appropriate problems depending on the other * properties. */ function prepareCheck(node, body, name, opts) { const hasBlock = (body.type === "BlockStatement"); let expected = null;
if (hasBlock && (body.body.length !== 1 || areBracesNecessary(body))) { expected = true; } else if (multiOnly) { expected = false; } else if (multiLine) { if (!isCollapsedOneLiner(body)) { expected = true; }
// otherwise, the body is allowed to have braces or not to have braces
} else if (multiOrNest) { if (hasBlock) { const statement = body.body[0]; const leadingCommentsInBlock = sourceCode.getCommentsBefore(statement);
expected = !isOneLiner(statement) || leadingCommentsInBlock.length > 0; } else { expected = !isOneLiner(body); } } else {
// default "all"
expected = true; }
return { actual: hasBlock, expected, check() { if (this.expected !== null && this.expected !== this.actual) { if (this.expected) { context.report({ node, loc: (name !== "else" ? node : getElseKeyword(node)).loc.start, messageId: opts && opts.condition ? "missingCurlyAfterCondition" : "missingCurlyAfter", data: { name }, fix: fixer => fixer.replaceText(body, `{${sourceCode.getText(body)}}`) }); } else { context.report({ node, loc: (name !== "else" ? node : getElseKeyword(node)).loc.start, messageId: opts && opts.condition ? "unexpectedCurlyAfterCondition" : "unexpectedCurlyAfter", data: { name }, fix(fixer) {
/* * `do while` expressions sometimes need a space to be inserted after `do`. * e.g. `do{foo()} while (bar)` should be corrected to `do foo() while (bar)` */ const needsPrecedingSpace = node.type === "DoWhileStatement" && sourceCode.getTokenBefore(body).range[1] === body.range[0] && !astUtils.canTokensBeAdjacent("do", sourceCode.getFirstToken(body, { skip: 1 }));
const openingBracket = sourceCode.getFirstToken(body); const closingBracket = sourceCode.getLastToken(body); const lastTokenInBlock = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(closingBracket);
if (needsSemicolon(closingBracket)) {
/* * If removing braces would cause a SyntaxError due to multiple statements on the same line (or * change the semantics of the code due to ASI), don't perform a fix. */ return null; }
const resultingBodyText = sourceCode.getText().slice(openingBracket.range[1], lastTokenInBlock.range[0]) + sourceCode.getText(lastTokenInBlock) + sourceCode.getText().slice(lastTokenInBlock.range[1], closingBracket.range[0]);
return fixer.replaceText(body, (needsPrecedingSpace ? " " : "") + resultingBodyText); } }); } } } }; }
/** * Prepares to check the bodies of a "if", "else if" and "else" chain. * @param {ASTNode} node The first IfStatement node of the chain. * @returns {Object[]} prepared checks for each body of the chain. See `prepareCheck` for more * information. */ function prepareIfChecks(node) { const preparedChecks = [];
for (let currentNode = node; currentNode; currentNode = currentNode.alternate) { preparedChecks.push(prepareCheck(currentNode, currentNode.consequent, "if", { condition: true })); if (currentNode.alternate && currentNode.alternate.type !== "IfStatement") { preparedChecks.push(prepareCheck(currentNode, currentNode.alternate, "else")); break; } }
if (consistent) {
/* * If any node should have or already have braces, make sure they * all have braces. * If all nodes shouldn't have braces, make sure they don't. */ const expected = preparedChecks.some(preparedCheck => { if (preparedCheck.expected !== null) { return preparedCheck.expected; } return preparedCheck.actual; });
preparedChecks.forEach(preparedCheck => { preparedCheck.expected = expected; }); }
return preparedChecks; }
// Public
return { IfStatement(node) { const parent = node.parent; const isElseIf = parent.type === "IfStatement" && parent.alternate === node;
if (!isElseIf) {
// This is a top `if`, check the whole `if-else-if` chain
prepareIfChecks(node).forEach(preparedCheck => { preparedCheck.check(); }); }
// Skip `else if`, it's already checked (when the top `if` was visited)
WhileStatement(node) { prepareCheck(node, node.body, "while", { condition: true }).check(); },
DoWhileStatement(node) { prepareCheck(node, node.body, "do").check(); },
ForStatement(node) { prepareCheck(node, node.body, "for", { condition: true }).check(); },
ForInStatement(node) { prepareCheck(node, node.body, "for-in").check(); },
ForOfStatement(node) { prepareCheck(node, node.body, "for-of").check(); } }; } };