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<?php use App\Jobs\AsyncCall; use Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; if (!function_exists('get')) { function get(string $service, string $path, array $data, ?string $queue = null) { return call(Request::METHOD_GET, $service, $path, $data, $queue); } } if (!function_exists('post')) { function post(string $service, string $path, array $data, ?string $queue = null) { return call(Request::METHOD_POST, $service, $path, $data, $queue); } } if (!function_exists('put')) { function put(string $service, string $path, array $data, ?string $queue = null) { return call(Request::METHOD_PUT, $service, $path, $data, $queue); } } if (!function_exists('delete')) { function delete(string $service, string $path, array $data, ?string $queue = null) { return call(Request::METHOD_DELETE, $service, $path, $data, $queue); } } if (!function_exists('call')) { /** * @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response */ function call(string $method, string $service, string $path, array $data, ?string $queue = null) { // token of this service for send data to other service $token = 'YT76Nt2ofTbmkiP0ubvnlwOJLBtglA3UubjRhieTiTVP7jGPNX0RlueVOgIc'; // url for reaching the target service $baseUrl = config("services.$service"); // create a pending request for this url $pendingRequest = Http::retry(3, 100); // if command data contain file, then it will be attached to the pending request foreach ($data as $piece) { if ($piece instanceof UploadedFile) { $pendingRequest->attach($piece->getFilename(), $piece); } } // if queue set then queue this command if ($queue !== null) { return dispatch(new AsyncCall(...func_get_args())); } try { // otherwise execute the pending request return $pendingRequest ->withToken($token) ->withoutRedirecting() ->withoutVerifying() ->$method($path, $data); } catch (Throwable $thr) { return $thr->response; } } }