namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Auth; use App\File; use App\Task; use App\Project; use App\Models\Business; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use mysql_xdevapi\Exception; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Http\Resources\FileResource; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use Illuminate\Http\Exceptions\HttpResponseException;
class TaskFileController extends Controller { public function checkBelonging(int $business, int $project, int $task) { $business = Business::findOrFail($business); $project = Project::findOrFail($project); $task = Task::find($task);
if ( $business->id !== $project->business_id || $project->id !== $task['project_id'] // || $task['user_id']!== Auth::id()
) { \abort(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); }
return [$business, $project, $task]; }
public function index(int $business, int $project, int $task) { // check permissions
// owner project
// admin project
// colleague project
// guest or de active
// return files as file resource
[$business, $project, $task] = $this->checkBelonging($business, $project, $task); return FileResource::collection($task->files); }
public function sync(Request $request,int $business, int $project, int $task) { // different size and different validation
// validate
// validate the wallet is not so much in debt
// create record in the db
// put file in s3
// return file resource
[$business, $project, $task] = $this->checkBelonging($business,$project,$task);
$this->validate($request, [ 'files' => 'required|array', 'files.*' => 'int', ]);
$files = File::find($request->files)->each(function (File $file) { if ($file->user_id !== Auth::id()) { abort(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); } });
// sync
return FileResource::collection($files); }
public function download(int $business, int $project, int $task, int $file) { // requested file belongs to this project and this business
// check permisson
// create perma link or temp link
// return the file resource or stream it
[$business, $project, $task] = $this->checkBelonging($business, $project, $task);
$file = File::find($file); if ($file->user_id !== Auth::id()) { abort(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED); }
return $file->getTemporaryLink(); } }