use App\Image\Processor; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; use Jcupitt\Vips\Image;
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Web Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These | routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which | contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great! | */
Route::get('/', function (Request $request) {
// && !isset($request->h)
if (isset($request->w) && isset($request->h)) { $image = Image::thumbnail('../public/image.jpg', $request->w, ['height' => $request->h, 'crop' => 'centre']); }
if (isset($request->w) && !isset($request->h)) { $image = Image::thumbnail('../public/image.jpg', $request->w, ['height' => getimagesize('../public/image.jpg')[1]]); }
if (!isset($request->w) && isset($request->h)) { $image = Image::thumbnail('../public/image.jpg', getimagesize('../public/image.jpg')[0], ['height' => $request->h]); }
$y = null; $x = null;
if (isset($request->brightness) || isset($request->saturation)) { $image = Processor::brightness($image, isset($request->brightness) ? $request->brightness : 1.0, isset($request->saturation) ? $request->saturation : 1.0); }
if ($request->rotation) { $image = $image->rotate($request->rotation); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($request->cpx) { $GLOBALS['x'] = $request->cpx; } else { $GLOBALS['x'] = ($image->width - $request->w) / 2; }
if ($request->cpy) { $GLOBALS['y'] = $request->cpy; } else { $GLOBALS['y'] = ($image->height - $request->h) / 2; }
if ($request->debug == true) {
if (!$request->cpx) { $image = $image->draw_line(1000, $image->width / 2, 0, $image->width / 2, $image->height); }
if (!$request->cpy) { $image = $image->draw_line(1000, 0, $image->height / 2, $image->width, $image->height / 2); }
if ($request->cpx) { $image = $image->draw_line(1000, $request->cpx, 0, $request->cpx, $image->height); }
if ($request->cpy) { $image = $image->draw_line(1000, 0, $request->cpy, $image->width, $request->cpy); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($request->flip == "h") { $image = $image->fliphor(); }
if ($request->flip == "v") { $image = $image->flipver(); }
$image->writeToFile('image-modified.jpg', [ 'Q' => $request->q ]);
return response()->file(public_path("image-modified.jpg")); });